I lost my best friend last week — in fact, on Christmas Day. The worst blow to the gut I’ve felt in some time. Clearly, that’s not the joyful part.
Susan Passi Klaus and I became friends in our twenties, at the legendary Nashville TV station WSM-TV. It was a time we could do anything, say anything, and share everything.
I moved several times over the next 40 years, but Susan and I always stayed in touch. Even if our calls were months apart, we’d laugh until our stomachs cramped and then laugh again. No matter what Susan was going through, she had a humorous – slightly twisted – take on it. It’s what I treasure most.
A week ago, on December 19th at 5:04 p.m., I called her again in Nashville. We talked for 43 minutes. It would be the last time that we’d touch base, that I’d hear about her latest stupid adventure, and share a laugh. I treasure those 43 minutes, and let her know how much I loved her. She was gone 5 days later.
I’m not sure exactly what inspired me to call her, or what led her to actually pick up the phone, but it was perfect synchronicity. I am so grateful for that one last chance to have connected, not knowing it would be the last.
Susan probably touched thousands of lives with the shows she produced and humorous, self-deprecating weekly columns she wrote for several Nashville newspapers. But as my friend, she taught me that checking in — just for the hell of it — was the stuff that buoys the spirit, and stays a lifetime.
So the New Year’s resolution? Make the call. If you think of it — just do it. It will give you a sense of comfort and joy. We really don’t know what lies ahead — might as well send some love and make someone’s day…. or your own.