On an impromptu trip to Descanso Gardens (https://www.descansogardens.org) Josh wandered around as usual, taking photos of anything that he finds visually interesting: a child mesmerized by the splashing fountain, an artist capturing the stunning grounds with her sketch book, a quirky multicolored sculpture reflected in a fresh pond.

There are gorgeous plants and flowers as well, as you can see. Then at one point he stopped to shoot a simple magenta blossom — not much about it was extraordinary — but there was something different about it. He wasn’t sure what…. until…. he checked the image closely, and found… a hidden treasure in plain sight. A leaf-mimicking Praying Mantis — all stretched out in the sun on the flower’s top shelf.
Several cool photos followed, and an important lesson as well. When creating any kind of art, we can limit ourselves by accepting the obvious — as is, what seems to be the final product. But if we remain open — almost expecting a sweet surprise — sometimes magic really does happen.

(Pic #5) Reflection, Outdoor sculpture