It is with heavy heart that I share the news that the delicate nest lovingly built by our rufous hummingbird mother (photographed in the previous post) fell victim to a fairly wild winter storm 4 days ago. Nothing remains of her artful home after a two-week vigil over her tiny eggs.
I know it’s nature. I understand that it’s the cycle of life. But it still hurts to watch her work so devotedly, so tirelessly, with no return on her investment. Still, the pure joy she brought me – and our home – seems immeasurable. Just by being there every day (only flying out occasionally to nourish her petite 3-inch frame) gave us a daily sense of wonder and appreciation. I must have checked on her and the nest 15 times a day, valium through the little peephole in our front door. She was the first task in the morning, and my last stop at night.
Then, when I opened the door to find her home ravaged by the wind, I felt as though I had been hit in the gut. It has taken a few days to emerge from my funk, but I take comfort in knowing some hummingbirds live anywhere from 3 – 10 years. So there’s always a chance she’ll be back.
In her honor, I post this inspiring nature video of another (successful) hummingbird nest with two siblings coming to life — and taking flight for the first time. I could take a cue from their mother — and learn how to gracefully let go.
i loved this Lonny…so beautiful…thank you…