(Pic #1) Weathered wall “grab shot.” Santa Barbara, California. Photo by Josh Kaplan.
Last weekend I went to Santa Barbara to have breakfast with my closest friend. Naturally I took my photo gear along, because I love to shoot in SB — it never fails to inspire the muse. Well, almost never. After breakfast, I wandered around the streets looking for colors or shapes or anything that might grab my attention.
Nothing. I just wasn’t feeling it. I took a little drive over to Samy’s camera (or as photographers call it, the holy land). Surely all the gadgets, and glass, and lights and filters would get the juices going. Nada. I was just in a total creative funk.

(Pic #2) Samy’s Camera loading dock.

(Pic #3) Delightful decay.

(Pic #4) Perfect imperfection.
Readers of this blog may remember a post Lonnie did about the wonderful country/singer songwriter Deana Carter, and her sure fire fix for writers’ block. If she’s writing with someone, and it’s going nowhere, she will say “Have some whiskey, go for a walk…whatever you need to do to clear your head for a minute. When you come back, we’re gonna write a song in 15 minutes. Good, bad or indifferent, 15 minutes from now we’re gonna have a tune.”

(Pic #5) Pure trash. Sweet art.

(Pic #6) Yes, those are cow skulls on Lonnie’s butt.