(Pic #1) A view of Jupiter’s turbulent clouds and storms — or a nod to the world’s most famous Cubist?
“A head is a matter of eyes, nose, and mouth – which can be distributed in any way you like.” — Pablo Picasso
Happy Halloween to NASA, whose Juno Mission captured this view of Jupiter’s haunting cloud formations, which the space agency compares to a Cubist portrait. By releasing the image this week, NASA honors the iconic Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, who would have turned 142 on the 25th.

(Pic #2) Pablo Picasso, Femme assise (Jacqueline), 1962. © Estate of Pablo Picasso
NASA’s Juno Mission captured this view during its 54th close flyby of the 5th planet of our solar system. To spend some face time with this cosmic giant, click here: missionjuno.swri.edu/news/in-time-f
A huge thank you to Juno, NASA’s Jupiter probe — which allows us to gawk, and wonder — just how Science so effortlessly creates Art.